Friday, April 12, 2013

Sweet Summer... I Can Almost Taste It.

The sun is shining. The sky is blue. And the ocean is calling. 

Summer is almost here! (in southern California anyway) I am not sure if this is a cruel joke played by nature and actually the weather going to turn into a foggy chilly mess until July, but I am living it up and breaking out the shorts until it does! Here is a simple and very casual transition from spring to summer look, that I adore.

Denim cutoffs scream summertime! Pair with
a comfy pullover crewneck sweater or sweatshirt
to enjoy the changing season and pleasant weather.
Time to put the hair up and away!
A messy bun, though casual,
can still be intentionally cute.

All together you are ready for a weekend
at the park, strolling through the
Farmer's Market, or walk by the beach.

Accessorize!  Choosing casual accessories,
such as this Men's Fossil Watch, keep the look
lowkey, but still put together.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Introductions are in order...

  Meet Jen.

Extremely creative, yet surprisingly realistic and practical, Jen is my baby sister and my best friend. Where we may have similar interests, features, and quirky mannerisms, we are very much our own person and have surprisingly different interests. One being shopping. 

Growing up, Jen would be bored out of her mind wandering through racks of clothing and mountains of accessories. Where I, on the other hand, found the very same thing thrilling and addictive. I could spend hours upon hours trying on different outfits, drooling over shoes, and stressing over which beautiful piece I was going to pick to come home and stay with me. As we got older, Jen would try to humor my excitement when finding a new gem, and I'd try to keep her out of stores as much as possible. As it turn out, I became the shopper for both of us, finding peace and harmony for all.

Even as sisters, we both have very different style, and a totally opposite body type. I always try to find items that will flatter her personality and figure, and fit in with her comfortable and practical lifestyle. However, every now and then, I have to throw in something she'd never pick out to wear, just so she can see that you can't judge a book by its cover... or a shirt by what it looks like on the rack ;)

For example, I got the "really?" look when I picked out the dress that she is wearing in these next photos (but don't worry, she ended up loving it). But enough talk... here are the pics!
Jen has great legs and less of a defined waistline.
She needs structured items in her wardrobe.
I choose this dress for Jen because of the great color
because it shows off one of her best physical features ;)

Jen usually doesn't like wearing 
dresses or skirts, but she feels confident in this!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What Makes You Feel Beautiful?

I feel most beautiful when people can truly see me and all the good in me. When they look past my faults and imperfections and appreciate my gifts and talents. I feel most beautiful when someone says thank you, when I speak encouragement, and when I'm given a "real" hug. I can't help smiling when I'm kissed on the forehead, and when a baby falls asleep in my arms, I feel radiant

To me, what a person wears doesn't make them beautiful. Clothing and outward appearance in no way defines beauty. All it can do is enhance the beauty that is already within. Confidence is beauty. Being confident in yourself is one thing that can be strengthened by feeling good about your outward appearance. 

One of my goals in life is to always see and appreciate the good in others. But even more than that, I want to be able to draw out and magnify the exceptional and admirable things about those people I come in contact with. Whether it be through words of encouragement, a kind gesture, or merely helping reconstruct their wardrobe, everyone should be able to recognize the beauty within themselves.

So again I ask... what makes you feel beautiful?